

Flaming robot arm at World Maker Faire Flaming robot at World Maker Faire
Drone propeller at World Maker Faire Crawling robot at World Maker Faire
Lego Snake at World Maker Faire Pink Lego Pieces at World Maker Faire

World Maker Faire, Flushing Meadows-Corona Park, September 2015

Robert Moses by the artist Andy Warhol
                     Mosaic in Flushing Meadows Park Venus by Salvadore Dali Mosaic in
                     Flushing Meadows Park
NYC World's Fair Pavilion
                     Mosaic in Flushing Meadows Park Hall of Science Mosaic in
                     Flushing Meadows Park

World's Fair Mosaics, Flushing Meadows-Corona Park, May 2015

Parrot at the Queens Zoo White Bird in Flight at the Queens Zoo
Brown Bear at the Queens Zoo Snowy Owl at the Queens Zoo

Birds and a Bear at the Queens Zoo, May 2015

Brown and White Sheep at Queens Zoo White Sheared Sheep at Queens Zoo

Sheep Shearing at the Queens Zoo, May 2015